15-day Journey Reconnecting
with the Essence
An online journey that we created with guided practices, videos, meditations, reflections, conversations and notes that you can do at home, at your own pace, for 20 to 30 minutes a day, that will help you get in touch with what nourishes you at the deepest level of your Being.
Couples Connection Webinars
Our webinars are recorded practical classes, lasting up to 2 hours, which aim to increase the connection, communication and expression of Love within your relationship:
• Connection Practices for Couples
• Movement, Listening and Conscious Touch
• Cultivating Emotional Maturity and Presence in Conflicts
• Renewing Eros in the Intimate Relationship
Journey to Live the Awakening
An event in which we share wisdom, inspiration, notes, classes and practices to Live the Awakening in different aspects of life - in the body-mind, in relationships, in professional expression and in everyday life. All classes are based on non-dual traditions and direct teachings of self-knowledge, whose purpose is the full realization and authentic expression of our true Self.
Integral Yoga with Yasmin Novaes
Weekly Yoga practices via the Zoom platform, every Monday at 7 pm. An invitation to slow down, connect with your Presence and inhabit the body with Love, care, compassion and kindness, for a fuller and more awakened life.